Institute for International Business Law

Prof. Dr. Gerald Mäsch

Professor of Civil Law, Commercial and Business Law, Private International Law and Comparative Law


The Chair of Civil Law, Commercial and Business Law, Private International Law and Comparative Law is headed by Prof. Dr Gerald Mäsch and is part of the Institute for International Business Law. Prof Mäsch was appointed its director in the summer term of 2004, succeeding Prof. Berger.

The special thing about the chair here is its unusual tasks. In addition to its normal teaching activities, the chair is also involved in two very ambitious projects: the organisation of the Moot Court team and the supervision of the Law Clinic. In both cases, the students are required to show legal creativity and initiative, albeit in different forms, which are the exception in everyday university life. Anyone interested in this programme is welcome to find out more on our homepage or in a personal conversation with one of our staff.

Prof. Mäsch's team will be happy to answer any questions students and other interested parties may have about the chair.

Seminar announcement

Prof. Mäsch is offering a seminar on ‘Market Meets Law - Current Issues of Fair Trading Law’ in Berlin in the winter semester 2024/25. Further information can be found in the registration handouts.

9th Journées franco-allemandes in Strasbourg

The 9th Journées franco-allemandes took place in Strasbourg from 11-12 May 2023. Organised by the chair of Prof. Gerald Mäsch in cooperation with the University of Bordeaux and the German Association of the Henri Capitant Society, leading legal scholars from France, Germany and Switzerland gave lectures on the limits of consumer protection law.

Further information can be found here.

New Publications

Gerald Mäsch/Stefan Arnold, Übungen im Internationalem Privatrecht und Rechtsvergleichung, De Gruyter 2022

Katja Langenbucher (Hrsg.), Europäisches Privat- und Wirtschaftsrecht, Nomos 2022