Institute for International Business Law
Prof. Dr. Gerald Mäsch
Professor of Civil Law, Commercial and Business Law, Private International Law and Comparative Law
Professor of Civil Law, Commercial and Business Law, Private International Law and Comparative Law
Seminar announcement
Prof. Mäsch is offering a seminar on ‘Market Meets Law - Current Issues of Fair Trading Law’ in Berlin in the winter semester 2024/25. Further information can be found in the registration handouts.
9th Journées franco-allemandes in Strasbourg
The 9th Journées franco-allemandes took place in Strasbourg from 11-12 May 2023. Organised by the chair of Prof. Gerald Mäsch in cooperation with the University of Bordeaux and the German Association of the Henri Capitant Society, leading legal scholars from France, Germany and Switzerland gave lectures on the limits of consumer protection law.
Further information can be found here.
Gerald Mäsch/Stefan Arnold, Übungen im Internationalem Privatrecht und Rechtsvergleichung, De Gruyter 2022
Katja Langenbucher (Hrsg.), Europäisches Privat- und Wirtschaftsrecht, Nomos 2022