Institute for Corporate and Capital Markets Law

Stefan Korch, Professor of Corporate Law, Capital Markets Law, and Insolvency Law

Recent Publications

Publication of an article by Stefan Korch on liability and liability privileges in DAOs in ZIP 2023, 2017-2025 [Journal for Business Law].





Stefan Korch contributed an article on directors’ liability for delayed filings for insolvency under the German Restructuring Act on the Stabilization and Restructuring Framework for Businesses (StaRUG) in the KTS [Bankruptcy Law Review] 2023, 181-235 [Binnenhaftung wegen Insolvenzverschleppung nach dem StaRUG].


A commentary on preventive and corrective measures (§§ 6, 7 LkSG) in supply chains by Stefan Korch has been published in Fleischer/Mankowski (eds.), The German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act, Commentary [Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichten-gesetz (LkSG)], 1st edition 2023, Munich (pp. 383-448).


Human swarms arise and take shape mainly on the major internet platforms. Swarms in the law, edited by Ben Köhler and Stefan Korch, addresses the legal challenges posed by human swarms and the phenomenon of emergent collectivity, for example in relation to shitstorms, swarm trading, and wildcat strikes.









At the DACH Conference on May 16 and 17, 2024 in Zurich, Stefan Korch will give a presentation on publicly traded partnerships.

At the Hamburg Round Table for Restructuring and Insolvency Tax Law on May 3, Stefan Korch will give a talk on restructuring and insolvency plans.

Next summer semester, Stefan Korch will offer a new course "The Law of Corporate Restructuring" (in German). Further information is available here.

Also next summer semester, Stefan Korch will offer a seminar on “Company Purchase Contracts” (in German). Further information is available here.

Professors Matthias Casper and Stefan Korch are happy to announce and extend their invitations to their jointly hosted conference on the German Future Financing Act and its substantial modernizations in securities and capital markets law ("Das Zukunftsfinanzierungsgesetz - Modernisierungsschub im Aktien- und Kapitalmarktrecht?"). The conference will take place on December 8, 2023 at the Alexander-Humboldt-Haus in Münster. We are looking forward to an introduction by Mr. PD Dr. Kaspar Krolop (German Ministry of Finance) and Ms. Daniela Pferr (German Ministry of Justice) and subsequent presentations by Prof. Dr. Eckart Bueren (University of Göttingen) on dual class shares, by Ms. PD Dr. Elke Heinrich-Pendl (University of Leipzig) on SPACs, by Mr. Prof. Dr. Jens Koch (University of Cologne) on the liberalization of capital increases,  by Mr Prof. Dr. Philipp Maume (Technical University of Munich) on “e-stocks” as well as by Mr. PD Dr. Alexander Wilhelm (University of Mainz) on the judicial review of GTCs in financial contracts. The entire conference program can be found here.

On October 13, 2023, Stefan Korch held a talk on the principal obligations of directors at the 13th Financial Lines Forum in Hamburg.

Further publications

Stefan Korch, The Law and Economics of Corporate Social and Environmental Due Diligence Requirements [Rechtsökonomische Analyse menschenrechtlicher Sorgfaltspflichten von Unternehmen]; ZVglRWiss 122 (2023), 20–37 [Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft – Comparative Law Review]

Stefan Korch, Commentary on §§ 42, 43 of The German Restructuring Act on the Stabilisation and Restructuring Framework for Businesses, in: Seibt/Westpfahl (eds.), ‘Unternehmensstabilisierungs- und -restrukturierungsgesetz (StaRUG), Kommentar‘, 1st edition 2023, Otto Schmidt, Cologne (pp. 745-834).